Sunday, June 26, 2011

Before & After: Turquoise Hall Tree

This is my favorite piece we have done to date! I found this great hall tree/umbrella stand at a local thrift store. It was actually in pretty good shape, it just needed a little glue, a couple nails,
some paint, and new hardware.

I could tell that it was a handmade piece, dating from the 30's-40's. I painted it a pretty turquoise color followed by distressing and glaze. I loooooove how the finish turned out! It distressed so nicely.
Close up of finish

The original hooks were a copper plated cast iron, that were really rusted. One of them was broken, so I ended up replacing all the hooks with new black ones. Hopefully the original ones will clean up and I can use them on another project!

The original hooks looked like this. Image from

New black hooks pop against the turquoise

The oval mirror was original and did have some silvering loss, but was still usable.

A little glass knob adds detail to the storage compartment.

And the final product.....

The full before & after!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A couple projects + prepping for next Trade Days!

We are prepping for the next Trade Days and also working on a couple custom the mean time, here are some fun pieces that we sold at the last Trade Days. These are both made by Adam from re-purposed materials.

Set of crates - re-purposed from fence panels and color washed, then distressed. The chalkboard paint adds a neat little touch. These would be perfect in a mudroom to catch clutter, or in a kid's room.

Love this pair of little side tables! The legs are re-purposed from stair spindles and the tops are antique ceiling tins.

In preparation for our next Trade Days, we went to our first estate auction a few weeks ago and it was so much fun! We got some great stuff, including an antique fireplace surround/mantle, small cane chair, and vintage suitcases (one in a perfect turquoise blue color!), and more. We have also been hitting up the local thrift/resale shops. I found a pair of vintage Starline suitcases in the perfect peachy pink color. Will post some pics shortly!